Well Drilling
This job type allows you to define a drilling campaign by providing a list of wells to be drilled, and optionally completed.

Use the list to add wells (already defined) you wish to drill using this job. You can choose any type of well, from any reservoir and assigned to any rig. The Add remaining button allows you to automatically add all wells in the project for which a Drilling job has not been specified yet.
The Add remaining command is not dynamic - i.e., it only adds wells that exist at the moment it is used. Wells created afterwards will not be automatically included.
Wells included only in Automatic Development jobs do not count as "drilled", so the Add remaining button will add those too.
If the button is disabled it means that all existing wells already have their corresponding Drilling job.
Complete wells automatically once drilled: Use this option to let queue a completion together with each well to be drilled; the actual completion, however, will not start until the drilling is finished. This option will perform only the selected completions in each well and not any recompletions related to them. Recompletions can be added to this job, but their inclusion will not trigger drilling of their wellbores: they will only be performed after the wellbores are drilled for the primary completions.
The option to automatically complete wells from within a Well Drilling job allows you to skip the step of defining a separate Well Completion job, in cases when you do not need the starting dates of either activity to be independent from each other. Also, note that this option will add only the first completion to each well.
If during the simulation this job finds in its list a well that has already been drilled by another job but not completed, it acknowledges that the drilling is already done and proceeds to complete the well. Wells with more than one completion are a typical example of this: recompletions do not need to drill their wellbore, since it has already been drilled for the first completion.
Batch drilling and completion jobs: (Only if the Complete wells... option has been enabled.) Use this option to force all drilling jobs to be performed before starting with the first completion in the queue.

"Batch drilling..." is checked.

"Batch drilling..." is unchecked.
Don't start drilling a well if the previous drilling in the list hasn't started: The order in the list will be the one followed by the various rigs to which the wells are assigned: each well in the list takes precedence over those that come after. It may happen, however, that the order of precedence is broken if the conditions for a well to be drilled are met before those for a well that precedes it. Check this box if you wish PetroVR to honor the exact order in the list.
Drilling Site: You can optionally select or define a Drilling Site for this job. Use the button to load it from the list of already existing sites.